Register procedure

Join the football elite

Welcome to the exceptional adventure of Precision Play Soccer, the gateway to the football elite where your dreams come to life. Registration is simple, and each step brings you closer to the opportunity to shine on European fields.

girl playing football

How to register?

Welcome to the exceptional adventure of Precision Play Soccer, the gateway to the football elite where your dreams come to life.

Exploring the unique opportunity

Dive into the world of Precision Play Soccer by exploring our website. Discover our innovative training programs, the inspiring testimonials of players, and the commitment to excellence that defines our academy.

Filling out the online registration form

Once you're ready to embark on the Precision Play Soccer adventure, fill out our online registration form. Be prepared to provide essential information about your football background, your aspirations, and your contact details.

Selection and invitation to detection camps

Our recruitment team carefully reviews each application. Preselected players will be invited to detection camps taking place at strategic locations such as Los Angeles, Akron, and Montreal.

Assessment by experts and selection offers

At the detection camps, your talent will be evaluated by Precision Play Soccer experts. Exceptional performances will be rewarded with selection offers to our academy.

Support in the integration process

Once selected, our dedicated team will guide you throughout the integration process. From housing advice to administrative procedures, we provide full support to ensure your transition to Precision Play Soccer is smooth.