Become a partner

Become a Partner

Join us as a partner at the Precision Play Soccer Football Camp and gain unparalleled visibility among a passionate football audience. We offer various partnership levels

Bronze (500 $) :

Logo on the event website, mention in the official program, and distribution of promotional products.

Silver ($1,000):

All Bronze benefits plus logo on all press releases, announcement as a sponsor at the launch event, and an invitation to the Goal Challenge with celebrities.

Gold ($1,500):

Includes Silver benefits plus a promotional banner at the sports complex and a promotional stand during the event.

Platinum ($3,000):

Includes all Gold benefits, plus logo on participant jerseys, first option rights for the next camp, title as "Main Sponsor," and a private training session with players.

Your brand will be featured across various media channels, including social media, press releases, and TV broadcasts. Contact us today for more information and to join our prestigious network of sponsors.